I think winter is like a houseguest. Having someone stay over at your place is fun for the first few days, maybe even the first week. It's new and different and they are on their best behavior. But then a week turns into two. And two turns into ten. And they start leaving their dirty laundry on your sofa. And you wish they would just go home. After the first cold, windy, snowy week, after I take a few pretty photos and shovel my driveway, after the snowman is set up in the front yard, and after I have one good 4-wheel drive adventure on unplowed roads I wish winter would just go home.
Today is the first day of spring. But I have been celebrating it's arrival for the last several days. A 32-mile bike ride to Great Falls, a couple good runs, some pickup soccer, and my sunroof open every time I hop in the car have been among the recent festivities. Last night I grabbed my camera, left my jacket, and sat near the Lincoln Memorial to grab a few shots of the official end of winter. Buh-Bye.